paloma pottery blog

Recycled Glass Tiles

Innovation is seeing what was always there and suddenly reconfiguring the components to make something entirely new. We have numerous problems or challenges in our world, and an innovator always takes a fresh perspective to say, “What about this?”. That novelty and clarity can pull us into bold and exciting new places. A beach strewn with broken glass... how about melted down and designed into clay?! Our recycled glass tiles are a perfect addition to you design project.

The kitchen is uninspiring and drab... how about sparkling tiles and pulls?! To see what was always there, and in a new light, is the gift of innovation. Visitors to the Paloma Pottery site are always taken with this sense of reconfiguring the ordinary into extraordinary. “No matter where I serve my guests, they always like my kitchen best” reads the old adage. This sweet testament to warmth and hearth reminds us that where people mill around, transforming plants and grains into sustenance, we will always be drawn. Maybe it is the childlike memories of connecting with a mother as she masterfully cooked, or gathering close to a father who had his famous pancakes. Either way, the kitchen becomes a point of connection, and the spot where hearts and souls radiate in shared warmth together.

So, how to innovate? A small investment in Handmade Glass Tiles alone can make the old surprisingly new. A set of tiles in their Ocean - Earth - Blanco color lines can make an often-used surface truly dazzling! Or, consider a tiled backsplash to bring great kitchen colors to a place we so often gather. A complementing Door Pull can tie the color theme together and make on old kitchen new. Why remodel when you can transform?! The staff at Paloma Pottery are expect at guiding customers through the selection process to create an effect that is bold and perfectly suited to individual taste. Visit now and get ready to innovate!